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2023-12-30 02:04 来源:海蔻通 点击:


选自Essentials of Vedic Astrology







更不用提,我小时候超爱的Super Star,那一句你是电,你是光,你是唯一的神话,瞬间打动我的DNA,人当发光发热如此,算得上我自我意识的第一次觉醒~瞅瞅Dasha,正好是在我的南交点大运,南交点Krittika,星宿定位星是太阳,合理。

而Super Star的发行日是2003/8/22,炎炎烈日,太阳自然是狮子座,超紧密合木星和金星,且都在magha这个名望星宿,自然火遍大街小巷。


印占资料分享 – 月亮基础Moon

印占资料分享 – 水星基础Mercury


The Sun: Surya


The Sun is vital to our existence. Without its energy to warm us, we would not be here; the Sun exerts the gravitational pull that holds the planets of the solar system together. It is pivotal to our life here. Surya represents the eternal soul. The Sun is purusha, the male polarity of the life force.


The Facts

The Sun rules Leo


It rules nakshatras: Krittika Uttara Phalguni Uttara Ashadha




It is a malefic and is male


Guna: sattvic

Karakas: your father, government, royalty, ruling powers, places of worship, prana, self, soul.




The Sun is sattvic in quality which gives it a purity but it is considered malefic – that is, it brings difficulties. Because it is fiery, it has to stand alone. According to the Vedic myths, although the Sun was desperate to be married his wife left him. He had to have some of his brightness reduced by the Creator before she would return and even then he was too hot to enjoy a proper marital relationship! As we know, the Sun signifies the father, authority and vitality. If you have a strong Sun you are likely to be an authoritative person, and feel happy and harmonious within. Your inner and outer selves would be in harmony.You would have a good relationship with your father (here you also have to look at planetary conjunctions which, with Saturn and/or Rahu, would mean issues to be worked out with your father). A very strong Sun can lead to you being too authoritarian and unable to change your way of life, expecting everyone else to revolve around you. Others might find it hard to get close to you.



Strong in Leo

Exaltation 10o Aries

Mooltrikona 4 – 20o Leo

Friends’ Houses: Cancer Scorpio Sagittarius Pisces

Strong in these houses: 3rd, 6th, 11th but strongest in the 10th


In: Gemini and Virgo

Will have strengths and weaknesses in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th houses


Debilitation 10o Libra

Enemies are: Taurus Capricorn Aquarius

Weak in the 4th house


A strong Sun in the natal chart suggests a mature soul and a highly developedconsciousness.


An average strength of Sun indicates that you are learning to deal with your soul lessons; you may feel at times that your inner self is not always in harmony with your outer self and that might create problems for you. You would be working towards your goals even though doubt and indecision sometimes might make it difficult for you.


A weak Sun shows the lack of paternal influence in your life. You may not be separated from your father but there could be an emotional distance between you. There might be a lack of vitality and inner power. This lifetime will be about learning solar lessons. You will always feel there is more to life than you are experiencing and that you are missing out in some way, but don’t allow yourself to be negative about this. Enhance your solar energy by using appropriate colours – yellow or red are good – and by positive thinking. Living in warm climates, activating your vitality with herbs or vitamins will help, as will doing Surya Namashkar (which is the yoga salutation to the Sun) every morning. Practise pranayama or breathing exercises. This life will bring karma from past lives which reflects the need to work on your Solar karma. By being conscious of it, you will be able to deal successfully with this difficult energy. Because the Sun brings light into our life it signifies the right eye; thus a weak Sun might lead to problems with the eyes. It rules the East and moves only in a forward motion.

虚弱的太阳表明在你的生活中缺少父爱的影响。你可能和你的父亲没有分开,但你们之间可能有情感上的距离。他们可能缺乏活力和内在的力量。这一生将学习太阳的课程。你总是会觉得生活中有比你正在经历的更多的东西,你在某种程度上错过了,但不要让自己对此感到消极。通过使用适当的颜色(黄色或红色都不错)和积极的思考来增强你的太阳能量。生活在温暖的气候中,用草药或维生素来激活你的活力会有帮助,每天早上做Surya Namashkar(这是对太阳的致敬yoga)也会有帮助。练习调息或呼吸练习。这一生将带来来自前世的业力,这反映了你需要处理太阳业力。意识到这一点,你就能成功地应对这种困难的能量。因为太阳给我们的生活带来光明,它代表着右眼;因此,弱太阳可能会导致眼睛出现问题。它统治着东方,只向前移动。

Dina – the Solar Day

Dina – 太阳日

The Indian solar day lasts from sunrise to sunrise, so that Sunday lasts from sunrise on Sunday morning to sunrise on Monday morning. The solar day is divided into hora: twelve divisions of day and twelve divisions of night which vary in length according to the seasons. Hora shastra is another word for Jyotish, the study of astrology. Each hora has a planetary ruler, beginning with the planet whose day of the week it is.

印度的太阳日从日出持续到日出,所以星期天从星期天早上的日出持续到星期一早上的日出。太阳日被分为hora: 12个白天和12个夜晚,长度根据季节而变化。Hora shastra是Jyotish的另一种说法,即占星学的研究。每个hora都有一个行星守护,从一周中的某一天对应的行星开始。

Masa – the Solar Month

Masa – 太阳月

lasts 30 solar days, or the Sun’s transit from 0 – 30o of one sign.

持续30个太阳日,或者太阳从一个星座的0 – 30o过境。

Varsha – the Solar Year

Varsha – 太阳年

A solar year represents the Sun’s transit around the 360o of the ecliptic through the 12 signs of the zodiac. It begins at 0o Capricorn and is divided into two parts, known as ayanas. At 0o Capricorn the Sun begins its northerly course (as witnessed also in the solstice in the Northern hemisphere) and is known as Uttaryana: this continues until the last degree of Gemini. From 0o Cancer to the last degree of Sagittarius, the Sun now in the Northern hemisphere takes a southerly course, known as Dakshinayana. During the Sun’s transit through Uttarayana its light is bright, its energies pristine and strong. This period is always selected when choosing a suitable time for auspicious activities. Dakshinayana is also known as Yamaayana-the period ruled by Yama, the god of death. Solar energy is considered depleted and the Sun’s rays defective. Dakshinayana is not a good time to begin new ventures.

太阳年代表太阳在黄道360o的轨道上经过12个黄道星座。它从0o摩羯座开始,分为两部分,称为ayanas。在0o摩羯座,太阳开始向北运行(在北半球的至日也可以看到),被称为Uttaryana:这一直持续到双子座的最后一个度数。从巨蟹座0o到射手座的最后一个度数,太阳在北半球开始向南运行,被称为Dakshinayana。在太阳穿越Uttarayana期间,它的光是明亮的,它的能量原始而强大。在选择合适的时间进行吉祥活动时,总是会选择这个时期。Dakshinayana也被称为Yamaayana – 由阎罗,死亡之神统治的时期。人们认为太阳能量不足,太阳光线也有缺陷。Dakshinayana不是开始新的冒险的好时机。



Planets in conjunction with the Sun are described as ‘combust’ – burning with solar fire. Of course, Mercury and Venus orbit close to the Sun all the time so they are thought better able to survive being combust than the other planets. The energy of the other planets is burnt out by close contact with the Sun. The degrees within which a particular planet is considered combust are:

行星与太阳的结合被描述为“灼烧” – 与太阳之火一起燃烧。当然,水星和金星的轨道一直靠近太阳,所以它们被认为比其他行星更能在灼烧中幸存下来。其他行星的能量由于与太阳的密切接触而消耗殆尽。一个特定的行星被认为灼烧的度数是:

Moon 12

Mars 17

Mercury 13

Jupiter 11

Venus 9

Saturn 15

Among other things the Sun represents courage, power, fame, health, healing, fame, success, politicians, heads of state, leaders and commanders.


