张国荣(本名:张发宗,Leslie Cheung,1956年9月12日-2003年4月1日),籍贯广东梅县,出生于中国香港九龙,中国香港著名男歌手、演员、音乐人,影视歌多栖发展的代表之一。
Leslie Cheung is a Hong Kong Chinese male singer and actor
Leslie Cheung (real name: Zhang Fazong [1], Leslie Cheung, September 12, 1956 - April 1, 2003), born in Meixian County, Guangdong Province, Hong Kong, China, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, a famous male singer, actor, musician, one of the representatives of the development of film and television songs.
In the 1970 s, he took part in the Asian amateur singer contest official debut, issued after the wind continued to blow "Monica" "love" and other works, by the "days of being wild" won the award best actor, because of "farewell my concubine" famous in the international film industry, won a CNN for five global indicators musicians honor, is the first Asian actor as the Berlin international film festival jury.
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